Course Description:
The course offers a hands-on overview and theory of important security features and best practices to protect containerized services and hosts. You will learn how to effectively use Docker to build secure and performant container images, how Linux containers are constructed and secured, including cgroups, namespaces, apparmor, seccomp filtering and many more. Also, you will learn about container clustering and orchestration with Docker Swarm.
All these features will be explained and demonstrated with hands on examples in the practice lab.
Note: Every student has assigned to him his own virtual lab environment setup.
What will you learn:
After completing this course, students will have a firm understanding of many techniques for effectively assessing the security of container images and how to defend them.
Target audience:
- Developer
- Operations
- DevOps
- Architects
- strong grasp of Docker (recommended training: Docker Basic and Docker Advanced)
Nice to have:
- required skills include running Unix commands, navigating the file system, and creating and editing text files
Module 1: Docker Recap
- Age of Virtualization
- Why Containers?
- Docker History
- Containerization
- OS Components (Namespaces, Control Groups)
- Docker Engine
- Containers and VMs
- Docker Versions
- Docker Update Channels
- Installing Docker on Linux with steps
- Docker Images
- Image Contents
- Image Layers
- Multiple architectures support
- Image registry
- Image security
- Repositories
- Docker Commands
- Running and stopping containers
- Network types
- Working with networks
- Testing the network
- Persistent Storage in Docker
- Creating and mounting a volume
- Listing, inspecting and deleting volumes
- Logging Docker
- Explaining different log types
Module 2: Secure Docker Connectivity
- Docker hub image vulnerabilities
- Possible attack vectors
- How does Docker handle security?
- Different layers of security
- Secure Docker connectivity overview
- TLS explained
- What is a Certificate Authority?
- Configuring secure Docker connectivity with steps
Hands-on Lab: Secure Docker Connectivity
Module 3: Secure Docker Registry
- What is Docker Registry?
- Securing a Docker registry
- Authorization Options
- Basic authentication configuration
- Token-based authentication configuration
Hands-on Lab: Deploying a Secure Docker Registry
Module 4: Role-Based Access Control
- Using authorization and roles
- Docker’s Plugin API for RBA
- Enabling the authorization plugin
- Open Policy Agent (OPA) Configuration
Hands-on Lab: Implementing RBAC using AuthN and AuthZ in Docker
Module 5: Docker Swarm
- What is Docker Swarm?
- Docker Swarm components explained
- Docker CLI Cluster commands
- Docker Swarm Security
- Bootstrapping a Warm Cluster
- Secrets in a Swarm Cluster with Secret rotation
- Autolock in Warm Clusters
- Backing up and recovering a Swarm Cluster
Hands-on Lab: Docker Swarm Installation and Secure Docker Swarm cluster
Module 6: Networking
- Network types
- Working with networks
- Testing the network
Hands-on Lab: Docker Networking
Module 7: Managing Secrets
- What are secrets
- How to manage Docker Secrets
Hands-on Lab: Managing Secrets
Module 8: Content Trust
- Docker Content Trust
- Image Tags signed or not signed
- Docker Content Trust Key
- Signing Images with DCT
- What is Notary
Hands-on Lab: Docker Content Trust
Module 9: Linux capabilities
- What are Linux Capabilities?
- Dropping capabilities
- Using pscap tool
- Whitelisting
- Listing capabilities
Hands-on Lab: Linux Kernel Capabilities
Module 10: Controlling Access to Resources with Control Groups
- Control Group
- Control Group Subsystems, hierarchy
- Managing cgroup for Containers
- Cgroup Parent Context
- Docker Cgroup Resource Limits
Hands-on Lab: Docker and Cgroups
Module 11: AppArmor
- Linux Security Models
- AppArmor explained
- Developing an AppArmor Profile
- Docker and AppArmor Profiles
- Debugging AppArmor
Hands-on Lab: AppArmor and Docker
Module 12: Seccomp
- How does Docker use Seccomp?
- Creating a custom Seccomp profile
- Using custom profiles for all containers
- Using the Whitelist
Hands-on Lab: Seccomp
Module 13: SELinux
- SELinux explained
- SELinux Policy, labeling and type enforcement
- Enable SELinux in Docker
- Changing SELinux behavior per Container
Hands-on Lab: SELinux
Module 14: DDos
- Security approach of DoS Attacks
Hands-on Lab: Docker DDoS attacks performance
Module 15: Tools for security
- Docker bench
- What is Docker Bench
- Docker Bench Options
- InSpec
- What is InSpec
- InSpec Install
- Running Chef InSpec
- InSpec Profile Structure
- InSpec Community Profiles
- Anchore
- How does Anchore work
- Ancore Engine
- Installing Anchore Engine
- Using Anchore
- Jenkins pipelines
- Continuous integration flow
- Continuous delivery flow
- Continuous deployment flow
- What is Jenkins?
- What is a pipeline?
- Securing Jenkins CI/CD Pipeline with Anchore
- Dagda
- What is Dagda?
- Installing and running Dagda
- Dagda database
- Analyzing docker images/containers
- Monitoring running containers
- Getting Docker daemon events
- Sysdig Falco
- What is Sisdig?
- What is Falco?
- Falco rules
- Installing Falco
- Running Falco as a daemon
Hands-on Lab: Docker Bench
Hands-on Lab: InSpec
Hands-on Lab: Anchore
Hands-on Lab: Create a Jenkins pipeline for docker image security scanning with anchore
Hands-on Lab: Dagda
Hands-on Lab: Sysdig Falco
Module 16: Best Practices
- Secure the build pipeline
- Secure the Network
- Secure the Host
- Secure the Container Runtime
- Secure the Orchestrator Config
- Secure the Data
Additional details:
To attend this course, you need to have:
- PC/Laptop with internet access
Updated web browser