Course Description:
This course covers some advanced topics that become relevant when using Kubernetes to orchestrate application at scale, in the data center or in the cloud.
The course continues the Basic Kubernetes course with presenting some more advanced Kubernetes resources like Job, CronJob, Daemoset, ConfigMap and Secrets. It also covers the Ingress Resources alongside with the Ingress Controller. Helm is a widely use package manager for installing, upgrading and managing Kubernetes application and the students will have the chance to understand the concepts and use it. Next, the course covers the basic concepts of Kubernetes Security and RBAC mechanism. In the end, the course covers 2 major topics that should be part of every Kubernetes cluster: Centralized Logging and Monitoring. The students will be able to see how can centralized logging be achieved by using ELK stack and also monitoring by using Prometheus and Grafana dashboards.
Note: Every student has assigned to him his own virtual lab environment setup.
What will you learn:
After completing this course, the students will have a firm understanding on more advanced Kubernetes Resources, how can a Kubernetes cluster be monitored and also how the logs are stored in a centralized manner.
Target audience:
Module 1. Daemon Sets. CronJobs. Secrets. ConfigMaps
Hands-on Lab: DaemonSets. CronJobs. ConfigMaps
Module 2. Ingresses. The Nginx Ingress Controller
Hands-on Lab: Ingress
Module 3. The Kubernetes Dashboard. Helm - The Kubernetes Package Manager
Hands-on Lab: Kubernetes Dashboard. Helm
Module 4. Security. Role-Based Access Control
Hands-on Lab: Security. RBAC
Module 5. Working with Logs. Centralized Logging - Elastic Stack
Hands-on Lab: Logging
Module 6. Monitoring. Prometheus/Grafana
Hands-on Lab: Monitoring
Module 7. Advanced Pod Scheduling
Hands-on Lab: Advanced Pod Scheduling
Additional details:
To attend this course, you need to have:
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